The Last 10 Minutes - I Love You But I Have to Kill You
A Chinese woman has been charged with killing her husband with a sword because he refused to make dinner. But you know, in all honesty, he should have known his place in the kitchen or he wouldn't have made her kill him. View the video report.
North Korea says testing missles is a right. While the world debates this statement, it is unamimous in the opinion that dressing like an '82 Fat Asian Mr. Furley with Hammer shades is not a right.
Instead of taking a tree-climbing dude with a hairy tail to the circus, he is revered as a god incarnate.
North Korea says testing missles is a right. While the world debates this statement, it is unamimous in the opinion that dressing like an '82 Fat Asian Mr. Furley with Hammer shades is not a right.
Instead of taking a tree-climbing dude with a hairy tail to the circus, he is revered as a god incarnate.
The Great Hollywood Regurgitation Machine™ brings Conan the Barbarian back from the dead.
I thought they MADE Legos in China... hmmm maybe time to give the kiddies some less-lethal toys?
Tis sad though... but I'll tell ya, sometimes what I wouldn't give for a nice, sharp.. no, just kidding.
Legos are from Denmark. I think there's actually a Legoland in Carlsbad. I dunno how cool it would be to me now, but the 8 year old inside me would be soooooo stoked.
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