Thursday, March 31, 2005

What's Not to Like About the Weather?

So this guy, Matt, he works for the weather channel, he just stumbled upon SightSpeed and has found it accurately predicts the weather 99% of the time. Actually, that's a lie. But he does use it to keep in touch with his family, who lives all over the world. And what's the typical reaction when one discovers SightSpeed?
Ecstasy, sweet ecstasy. And joy - that too. Thanks Matt.Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

SightSpeed Tip of the Month

Want to hop on the fast track for all the insider tips and tricks of SightSpeed? Introducing (drum roll please) the first SightSpeed Tip of the Month. Each month we'll post a quick video mail showing what you can do to improve your SightSpeed experience.

Got a question? SightSpeed us!

Monday, March 28, 2005

SightSpeed at CeBIT

Well, CeBIT was one week of techno-madness, with more gizmos and gadgets than you could shake a stick at. About 500,000 people showed up in Hannover, Germany, to see the latest and greatest at the biggest convention of its kind. We were invited back again by Intel to be featured prominently in the their booth, SightSpeeding live with our company back in California, which meant getting up at midnight Berkeley time! Check out the pics below for a taste of CeBIT.
SightSpeed hats promote world peace!...well, at least international friendliness. We brought 3,000 hats and ran out in 5 days. Posted by Hello
Everyday at 5 pm, Intel drew names to win umbrellas, SightSpeed hats, and - oh my - a laptop. The crowds came in droves. Posted by Hello
Showing how it's done: All you need is a decent computer and camera. Add a broadband connection, and you're ready to start SightSpeeding. Suit not required. Posted by Hello
Aaron, in Berkeley, SightSpeeding with Intel empolyee Annett. Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Dianah Neff, Chief Information Officer of Philadelphia (and SightSpeed user)

It seems that Dianah Neff, Chief Information Officer for the city of Philadelphia, is a SightSpeed user. On March 22, Broadband Wireless Access World interviewed her about the city's efforts to build out a city-wide wireless network.

The interview was conducted over SightSpeed and recorded using Camtasia Studio. You may download the full interview here.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

New quickcams from Logitech

Not much in the way of new features but they look nice.


Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Occasionally asked questions

What's this all about?

This blog was begun by SightSpeed MBA summer intern Sam Tingleff, a 2005 graduate of The Johnson School at Cornell University. He was one of the student managers of BR Ventures, Johnson's student-run venture capital fund, an investor in SightSpeed. One of the co-founders, Brad Treat, asked Peter Zottolo to update the blog after Sam's departure, which he kinda did half-heartedly, like once-a-week-ish, until the big guys said "We're gonna make you a star" and told him to update the blog daily, and so here we are. Peter has yet to be a star. But that's because he sucks. Oh, what?

So Sam has moved on to new projects, but he is still hanging around the blogosphere. See his personal blog at Brad himself blogs, too:

SightSpeed was founded as QVIX Technologies, Inc. in 2001 out of research led by Professor Toby Berger at Cornell University. BR Incubator helped to incubate the company and BR Ventures provided seed funding. SightSpeed has since moved to Berkeley, CA and received an investment from The Roda Group.

What is SightSpeed?

SightSpeed turns your computer into a fully featured videophone. With SightSpeed, a PC or Mac, and a standard webcam you can make and receive video calls to anyone in the world. For just $5 per month.

Why the blog?

SightSpeed is a great service and we want to spread the word. This blog will be an outlet for user stories, news about the company, user tips and contests. You might even find some totally biased and unprofessional commentary on about this emerging personal videoconferencing industry. It's a place for us to have a little fun, and share a little knowledge outside the confines of the "corporate" website.

Where did the name come from?

Sign up for SightSpeed and you'll see...
Straight outta Berkeley. Posted by Hello