Friday, September 30, 2005

You Fat Elephant! No, Really...

Anchorage, Alaska - Yes, they have an Afican Elephant in the Alaska Zoo. No one really knows why. Her name is Maggie. She throws on a thousand or so pounds come wintertime to give her an extra layer of warmth from the frigid Arctic, but this is starting to worry zookeepers, who have started her on a weight-loss program, which now includes a treadmill. For the video report, click here. FOR THE FULL STORY, CLICK HERE.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

New Star Wars EPIII Footage! No One Cares!

You know you've always had fantasies of taking on Vader mano a mano. At least one has been caught on video. And after Revenge of the Sith, is there nothing to keep the teeming hordes of rabid fans happy? Apparently there is. Click here for the SightSpeed report. For the full story, click HERE.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Wedding Bells Are Ringing...

New York - or LA, depending on which news source reported first - relates the happy nuptials of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher. Acutally, it was in Beverly Hills. Not that it matters. Attempts to get the recently wedded couple to record a video mail have failed heretofore, but yours truly has created a video mail archiving the debatably newsworthy event. As if you haven't heard already.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

RIP Don Adams, 2005

Another legend passes on. Click here for the video mail, and for clips, pics, and audio bytes of Don Adams' best work, click the links. Don't know who this guy is? Click here.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Have You Seen Me?

A man came home to find his dog missing from his fenced back yard. As a dog owner myself, my heart went out to him. What would any dog owner do? All he can, of course - including putting an ad in the local picayune. While unfortunately the man's dog never did turn up, what did ensue led to some rather hilarious findings, involving skate parks, doggie doo, and never-before-recognized-but-definitely-important job descriptions. Click here for the video. For the full story, click here.

Friday, September 23, 2005

SightSpeed Friday News Round Up, 9/23/05

Forget The Swan. Dr. Siemionow is going for the real deal, where no one has gone before. Has she gone too far? Is she mad? What in the world am I talking about? Click here to view the video. CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL STORY.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

SightSpeed for Hurricane Victims

I've never seen a California earthquake do as much damage as Hurricane Katrina. Who knows what Rita will do. Dan Miller, our chairman, decided that SightSpeed will assist any who have been affected by the recent disaster by offering our services free and unlimited, so they can connect to relatives, friends, and others. Just download SightSpeed, create an account, and shoot him or me an email explaining your situation. We'll upgrade your account at no cost.

Friday, September 16, 2005

SightSpeed Friday News Round Up, 9/16/03

"Your lips disappear."

"Your teeth are ugly."

"Those crows feet make you look old."

Anything to get you to stop smiling. Following the lead of the US and Canada, Germany is the first EU nation to enforce the "no grin" law for passport photos. Why? View the video mail & see. For the whole story, click here.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Friday SightSpeed News Round Up

Mmmmm...looks yummy! Are you sure that's ham?

Ready for your SightSpeed news fix? Today's headlines hail from Shanghai, China, where restauranteurs got more - or less - than what they bargained for. View the video mail & see. For the full story, click here.

Friday, September 02, 2005

SightSpeed Friday News Round Up

After deciding that some news is better than no news, which is better than bad news, we thought that a little snippet of world-trolled newsbytes would be an interesting feature on an otherwise hardly-kept-up-blog. Hey, what can I say, Brad's the creative one, that's why he's the CEO. So after finishing the Big Breakfast Sammich from Berkeley's own Home Cafe (found here), we took our first take. Then second. Then third...FULL STORY FOUND HERE.