Friday, June 17, 2005

SightSpeed on a Cruise Ship?

Well, it was already done in the air, so it was just a matter of time before someone tried it on the sea, and Jim Buie is the first! At least, the first I know of. Check out Jim's story here. For Father's Day, remember not to forget pop, no matter where you are.
Father and son feel the love... Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

How do YOU SightSpeed?

The father talking to his kids as part of "Virtual Visitation" sessions. The ones who play Solitare online in two different states. The mom whose son set up SightSpeed in Florida so she can see the kids in Connecticut. The guy in Germany who's on business but eats dinner every night with his wife in England. We've seen all kinds. Some we wish we didn't see. But it's all about bringing people together. So how do you SightSpeed?

Monday, June 13, 2005

The Monkey is NOT dead

We've just put him in a cage for a while. The hawaiian girls, too. Same with Hula Homer. Have you missed them? Did you secretly hate them but never got the courage to speak out? Coverty monitored them every Monday afternoon at 3pm in the hope that one of us will see you and notice your cry for help by connecting to a nonexistant being, and type back? Not that there's anything wrong with that, but, you know, we notice.
Sometimes, all you need is a smiling face. Posted by Hello

Friday, June 03, 2005

Please excuse our dust during construction...

Well, as with all growth spurts, there are always some growing pains as boys get used to their longer limbs and deeper voices and girls...never mind. That was a dumb analogy. Anyway, with the release of 4.0, we appreciate your patience as both we and our users get accustomed to the new version. Thanks!