World conditions got you down? What? Not very optimistic, are you? You're not alone: Stephen Hawking agrees we might very well destroy each other. Does that mean the end of the human race?
Temperatures in New York rose 1.13 degrees last century. The prediction for the next 100 years? Can the summer heat make the pee-infused train stations any more rank?
Every year, dictionary supergiant Merriam-Webster calls on you to cast your ballot and vote for the Word of the Year.
And let's face it: past winners sucked.
"Integrity"? "Blog"? Lame!
And so now I begin my online campaign to make Stephen Colbert's "Truthiness" 2006's Word of the Year. Don't let the Word of the Year be taken by some pedestrian noun or unimaginative adjective.
Alas, another Hollywood couple, this one with high hopes from everyone of their lasting bliss, has bit the dust. Pamela Anderson confirms: "Unfortunately impossible."
Who would have thought? Is there no one respecting the sanctity of a doomed wedding?
In a photo from the interview, OJ describes how he would, if, you know, hypothetically speaking, he would choke the last breath of life out of the two people he absolutely unequivocally did not murder.
All this attention is sure to make North Korea jealous. Expect them to launch a parakeet into space in a styrofoam rocket, which will explode shortly after takeoff.
With rumor that the Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes will wed as soon as this Saturday, still no word yet if Xenu is confirmed to attend; he has to check first with the Galactic Confederacy. View the video report here.
You can't have Christmas without Christ! Then it'll be just ...mas! And that doesn't have a ring to it, now, does it? Besides, what better way to while away the winter than cuddling with the Lord?
Why? Ruthless persecution of heretics who dared defy the church? Serving colonial interests in the guise of conversion? Killing infidels to secure a place in Paradise? Fomenting nationalism?
Britney Spears and Kevin "F is for Failure" Federline are no more. Brit ended the rocky union, filing for divorce, citing "irreconcilable differences."
Perhaps she didn't want her boys to grow up like their poppa (computer-generated projected image, left). Understandable. At least now they have the bright future of becoming saccharine white trash ho-bags. Yay!
With the dawn of midterm elections just a few hours away, tensions are running high, as are hopes of a new...something. Anything. But be warned: politics are always a gamble. Despite what you think you may know about a candidate, there's always the chance that you will share the blame for putting a sick pedarast in power and one step closer to his dream of a vile boy-harem in the West Wing. Not that that could ever happen.
The videophone has long been a mainstay in science fiction: Blade Runner, the Jetsons, etc. Finally the videophone became a reality, but only if you had 18 billion dollars or were a superagent like 007 or Ethan Hunt.
Well, let me tell you, the videophone has arrived, it's come a long way, and if you're reading this, you can probably use it. For free. That's right--free.